‘Constantly developing a clearer understanding of the ecological challenges of our time is a unifying energy for all those who want to respond to ‘the cry of Earth and the cries of the Poorest.’
The vision for EcoCommunications is based on the sharing of the good news of the Gospel inspired by the challenging words of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’.
New resources such as documents, diagrams, videos, photo essays, articles, quotes, poetry and music will be added to this site for your reflection. This web site provide access to information, reflective resources and sharing spaces on these themes.
Adele Howard is a member of the Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic faith based Community whose vision and spirituality impels their responsiveness to the needs of displaced peoples and to those who live in poverty. They also work to create a greater awareness of the need for action to care for Earth.
Inspired by the document Laudato Si’ – Our Common Home, by Pope Francis, Adele is committed to developing a clearer understanding of the crisis of climate change and our need to take action to reverse the damage of global warming and the degradation of Earth.
Adele has also worked for many years with Indigenous friends and colleagues to promote ‘voice’ for Indigenous Australians, believing that unless we hear the true history of settlement and disadvantage from First Nations People in this land, we cannot find and walk a pathway of mutual respect, dignity and freedom into the future.
Our relationship with land and our care for the environment will be shaped by this journey. Adele lives on the lands of the Wurundjeri People in Melbourne, Australia.
Adele has developed this site to give easy access to resources for implementing the message of Laudato Si’, Our Common Home, which calls for a response to the cry of Earth and its most vulnerable people.
What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?